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i think id prefer seeing their current mature properties released more often. One entry in eternal darkness. So much untapped potential with that non-franchise. a new fatal frame (preferably a reboot) could be awesome. Just don't try to force some gimmick on it and make it a genuinely good game.

I would like them to get a little bit mature with star fox. I'm not saying make an m-rated star fox, just t-rated with more mature ideas. I've been saying this forever, but i'd love to see a 3rd person cover based shooter (with alot of available vehicle opportunities kinda like halo or just cause). i'd like to see missions where your comrades are near death and fox has to deal with a little more emotion. Also, a bit more simplistically, i'd like there to be -star wars clone wars- type drones as the common enemy, and when you hit a head shot oil freaking sprays everywhere. I've seen fox and falco use blasters in Smash Bros. for so long now i'd love to see it done in a star fox game. And i mean one with well executed development. Was it Assault that you could get on the ground? cool ideas there but kinda poorly executed.