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I fall technically outside a lot of the political categories that people use. I don't consider myself to be conservative, moderate, liberal, libertarian, or progressive. I do, however, consider myself well to the left of center.

The basic reason I don't consider myself progressive is because I believe that industrial civilization is ecologically unsustainable and that soon or later humanity will have to revert back to simpler modes of existence. I don't consider myself a liberal or a libertarian because I'm not that much of an individualist. I favor an economy (if one can even call such a thing an economy) that is based on the free sharing of property and resources and which recognizes humanity as belonging to nature rather than nature belonging to us. I don't consider myself a conservative then either for obvious reasons. I'm much too egalitarian-minded for that. And moderation is something that I have always struggled with, and I don't just mean politically.