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Aeolus451 said:
ResidentToxy said:

If you were to label where I sit on the political sphere, it would be left. However, even I think that Anita is a fucking muppet. Creating generalisations does not make your point look good. Lumping people together without any nuance whatsoever is a silly practice that needs to go away. 

SJW is not a synonym for the entire left. It has a specific meaning. *shrugs Is Anita not a progressive and a feminist? The only difference is that she specifically focuses on video games which pisses off gamers who are both right leaning and left leaning. She's the run of the mill activist who's in it for the money. 

My bad. I have encountered people that just lump the Left as all being SJW. That being said, SJW shouldn't be a derogatory term. Actual social justice is worth fighting for. However, looking for issues where there are none (insert Anita Sarkeesian and other delusional online figures) is not social justice, it is stupidity.