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I never use that term, but Battlefield is a good example of rewriting history to make it fit with the morals that some people have today.

Like making Achilles or a British Queen black. "History hurts my feeling, so we should modify History to make it according to my principles". It's a very dangerous slope, and is usually used in totalitarian regimes or dystopias.

If you read books like 1984, A brave new world or Fahrenheit 451, you would recognize some obvious patterns that our society started to follow lately. Fahrenheit 451, particularly, explains that it became a society of forbidden (and burned) knowledge and culture because of "SJW". They explain that some small groups of people started to make stuff that offended them forbidden, like books or shows, and it became worse and worse, to the point where almost all scientific knowledge, history, or culture is banned from society. Because it's offensive and can hurt the feelings of some people.

History is History. It's bad? Then good, it will show to new generations what to do or not. But rewriting History because it offenses you? Who those people think they are? Soon some people will ask to ban the World Wars from History lessons because "War is mean"...


Otherwise, I love to play as female characters and mostly choose this option when I can, so no problem about that. And for the gay stuff, the only thing I can complain about is when they do too much about it. "Look look look, our character is gay" put in our face all the time is annoying and poorly written. But I usually dislike how writers treat romance and sex anyway, it usually feels too forced, like just an item they had to use from a To-add list (like the usual kiss scene at the end of almost every Hollywood movie ever). The way it was handled in the TLOU DLC was great for example. 

Last edited by Faelco - on 26 August 2018