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Shadow1980 said:

Yeah. That'll teach companies to not put in a protag that isn't a white hetero cis male.

In all seriousness, I cannot understand the mental process going on when someone looks at a trailer for an action game, sees a woman as a protagonist (at least where they feel one should not be), and has an absolute total freak out and expresses a deep-seated "need" to bitch about it on the internet and threaten (or actually go through with) a boycott. So Battlefield V won't be a total sausage-fest. So what? "It's not realistic?" Again, so what? It's a video game. You fucking play it. Y'know, to have fun. You can't have fun because your WW2 shooter has a woman? Why? What's your malfunction? Video games are only superficially realistic, and they have to be because they wouldn't be fun. If we really wanted it to be realistic, why not ensure every bit of tech is absolutely period accurate to the day and functions exactly as it did in real life (including all the jams, breaks, limited ammo, no half-mag reloads, etc. And while we're at it, why not have realistic injuries and permadeath as features to really ramp up the tension of potentially getting mowed down by MG42 fire two seconds after the boat ramps come down on Normandy? Maybe disease and hours of marching and non-combat activities to give it that added touch of authenticity.

But I honestly doubt that "realism" was the driving force of the complaints. 18 years ago EA put a woman front and center in a WW2 game:

And we didn't hear a fucking peep. Then again, this was before social media, before the onslaught of manchildren that was Gamergate, before every wingnut on the internet decided to openly and loudly scream "ESS JAY DOUBLE-U!" at everything that offended their warped and fragile sensibilities. I've read the comments on Youtube and elsewhere in the months since the reveal. The whole "muh historical accuracy" is a smokescreen. And the whole "Well, that EA rep said such and such" thing, well, he wouldn't have said anything had the usual suspects kept their traps shut and not had a rage fit. Honestly, I wish everybody left, right, and center would learn to just shut the hell up and learn to enjoy a game, movie, etc., based on its quality. Is the gameplay and story good? Then shut up and play it. Seriously, it's shit like this that makes me wish the internet wasn't a thing.

But weren't woman part of the underground movement in ww2? 


My issue is they've come up with a bs remaining of WW2. It's not just the heavy focus on woman. It's the robot arms and stupid costumes. Are we playing Battlefield or dishonored 3?


I'd prefer no woman in this unless a part focuses on resistant fighters. Am I against woman? No. I think it's stupid their games like bf4 and hard line etc online have no focus on woman. It annoys me that they don't buy ww2 does. EA are a shit show right now. Fucked up mass effect, titanfall, Battlefield and battlefront. Can this company do no right?