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I don't actively believe in any gods, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. I just think it's extremely naive to make any affirmations on subjects we know nothing nor do we have the capacity to know about. And I suspect if there is anything out there, it's actually a coincidence existing independent of any theory that humans could come up with. In fact, there's a pretty solid chance we're actually in some sort of simulation, so whatever is the actual truth to all of this is probably more bizarre and complicated than we could possibly comprehend.

estebxx said: 

Why? Because i want to, i have faith.

I ask this with the utmost sincerity and respect, because I genuinely want to know the answer: do you believe that your desires hold any bearing on what reality is? I find religious faith to be absolutely fascinating, seriously. I see many believers use the word "faith" like some kind of impressive mic drop moment. Religious faith is literally believing something sans any elements of known reality involved, essentially taking a shortcut to a desired belief without going through all the inconvenient and complicated groundwork that usually leads to believing something. Can you offer any insight or does it just end there?

Last edited by aiwass - on 23 August 2018

*My signature from 2011 which I'm too lazy to change*

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