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jason1637 said:
the_dark_lewd said:
They could have easily included women without annoying anyone.

It's the fact that they focused so heavily on it that annoyed people. In a war where 99.9% of the war deaths were male, putting a female on the cover for your game, is just a deliberate political statement. That was a deliberate choice by them, but it's not necessary at all.

For comparison, see Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which has included a female option for the first time and has received almost no pushback for it. Because they did it well and didn't try and make a kind of social statement with it.

A few weeks ago Dice said something along the lines of " If you don't like our depiction on WW2 then don't buy our game". This statement is definitely hurting sales.

He also called the fans uneducated, which didn't help. When your job is to promote and try to sell your game, you really can't afford to say stuff like that especially for a game that's already facing backlash. 

But to be fair, it's a combination of things that's hurting this game's pre-order numbers. EA as a whole aren't trusted right now after all their fuck-ups last year and those comments evidently did rub a lot of fans the wrong way. Getting sandwiched in between BO4 and RDR2 isn't doing them any favors, either.