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Chazore said:

You want to keep this civil?. How do you plan on doing that when you already drove Azuren with the constant looping back and forth and me with mirror retorts?.

I don't really think I'm going to answer those "questions", simply because I know that me answering them will further lead to another looped playback of counter-points. I'm well past playing that song and dance within this thread.

Our bouts have pretty much decided that we will always firmly disagree with one another and nothing on this earth is going to change that. Not even attempts at apparent civility. 

That's completely up to you. However you are still debating in this thread while I stopped awhile back. I agree our boats have definitely set sail in the opposite directions and same can be said with Azuren. My points still stand to me because opinions of gamers who argue simply because they don't like Xbox/Windows will obviously attract attention and those points to me will be taken as a grain of salt unless there is actual factual reasons as to why someone hates it, not assumptions of what happened in the medieval day. I look at these topics as a business move and benefits to those platforms, not because I simple hate this brand because of.. because.

Bottom line, this rumoured buyout seems to have attracted lovers and haters and it all comes down to the individual assumptions on what will happen under the buyout. I am not going to debate why you love or hate MS anymore as its clear your thoughts on it and its also obviously with the same old few in here also against the idea which isn't surprising at all, and lets not ignore those who simply don't care for the buyout and those who like the idea as well.