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Chazore said:

Half full is fine for you, but for me, I'd rather the full glass since they can afford it.

No, pumping out in short time periods is what it is. If you want to assume that each game not under a publisher takes 10-20 years to make then you're underestimating indie devs and other studios entirely. 3-4 years is ample time to get a new game up and running, rather than 1-2. I like games to be of higher quality and of a higher standard, but we don't seem to get many of those these days (unless you aren't looking and judging technologies, physics, AI and texture details, which we do see people gloating with, yet not studying them deeply).

I don't believe it will change MS, it'll just become another studio MS paid to join their Xbox side of gaming, rather than MS creating something on their own and really trying to stand out from the crowd. I've already seen the disappointment from fans of NT when MS bought those guys, and yes that disappointment is and will always be validated, because not everyone likes one rich company buying up a smaller studio, not everyone has to agree and can judge and find fault with those deals, even if the smaller studio thinks it's amazeballs, even they can made a wrong decision as no human is perfect.

MS is not neutral, that;'s something I can never agree with and not in the  opinionated sense, I really mean they are not neutral due to their usage of their infamous EEE strategy, whether it be in the past present or future, they are not considered a neutral company. YOu think them as such because it makes it easier to argue and vouch for them.

Chazore I want to keep this civil between us, so I am going to ask you a few questions to the bolded parts to your post.

*No, pumping out in short time periods is what it is.* Where do you assume that MS buying Obsidian means games will be rushed out the door in short bursts? Halo Infinite has been in the making for more than 3years as well as Sea of thieves 3years, State of Decay 2 3years, Halo Wars 2 3years, Halo 5 3years, Crackdown 3 20years etc. I don't see the short term approach here, not with there track record lately. 3 Years is more than enough time to make a good game, unless.. you want to use the Forza series as the only example of games put out on the regular.. but even Forza games take at least 2 years to make and there building upon the foundations from there previous games.

*I've already seen the disappointment from fans of NT when MS bought those guys, and yes that disappointment is and will always be validated* Why are fans from NT disappointed? We haven't seen a game from NT under the MS banner yet so how can there disappointment be validated? have you also seen the amount of fans that are happy for the purchase? That also goes both ways. Not that it matters.

*MS is not neutral* Why do you assume MS is not neutral? They allow cross play with Nintendo, they brought Minecraft and allow that game to continue to sell on rival platforms, MS offer there own games on Steam, how do you see them as not neutral? They seem to share more in the gaming industry than any other platform maker.

If Nintendo or Sony brought Minecraft, you can bet your life that those brands would force lock there games on there own platforms. How do we know that NT or Obsidian might not be the next Naughty Dog under MS? Instead of looking at it as a pure negative, lets look at the positives as well, funding, Job security, access to company assets etc. NT and Obsidian might be struggling we don't know for sure, they are the ones that choose to sign the agreements. MS are rebuilding there Xbox brand, these purchases are set for the long term not the short quick fix. That's why MS are going for the talent not so much size or quality.

Last edited by Azzanation - on 20 August 2018