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DonFerrari said:

Your own posts are the source.

You are the one claiming how all those studios were bad and making consecutive blunders but good MS tried their best to help out until the most humane thing was to close them down. Never MS mistakes, it was the choice of those studios that had worked for decades that suddenly decided to do bad games.

Sounds like your misunderstanding the point like usual. Not sure what Platium has to do when we are talking about MS brands here. You are turning this thread in the wrong direction. Without links to your claims i wont be replying.

Azuren said:

Your desire to educate and explain is misdirected at best if you think you're doing either one here.


Yes, companies close studios down. But we're not talking about the industry, we're talking about a company and why it might be a bad thing when they purchase a studio.


No one said it always happens. Quit strawmanning my argument into something convenient for you to dispute. I said Rare is an outlier, which is me saying in  not so many words that it doesn't always happen.

And I have no issue with Microsoft buying Obsidian, something I've already pointed out in this thread. Quit deliberately strawmanning everything I say into an argument you're capable of debating. If you do it again (and honestly, it's been over five times now- twice in just the last post), I'm going to have to assume you're trolling because nobody accidentally misunderstands a conversation so many times in spite of repeated corrections.

My replies are to everyone that is saying that a company like MS will close Obsidian down because its MS nonsense. Assumptions get us no where.

I am not buying your reasoning behind Rare. MS sold Bungie off, they closed Esemble and Lion Head studios, those brands had massive pedigree and reputation. 

This convo has seen its time. I am calling it. We are going around in circles.