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twintail said:
KrspaceT said:

With games like Assassins Creed O, Black Ops 4, Battlefield V, Soulcaliber, and Red Dead competing for sales, does Mario Party have any risk of being Titantfall 2'd?


I'll admit I feel that Super Mario Party is insulated a bit by being on an entirely separate system for the games, but I'd appreciate other points of view on this. 

None of those games are on switch. 

It will be fine

That's what I was thinking lol  Seems like Super Mario Party will have no competition so it'll do fine.

melbye said:
I don't think it will sell millions, but it'll do OK

Of course it will sell millions!  Nintendo is making a comeback and I'm sure Super Mario Party will too, and I believe it's going back to its roots that all the fans missed.   Almost every Mario Party has sold avg. 2m copies or more so. (Unless you're being sarcastic then ignore me lol)  I'll definitely be buying this game day one.