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OTBWY said: 
DonFerrari said: 

PC install base is still larger, there are more than one device selling for it and they have been severely discounted. Still PSVR sell more than all of them combined. Sure it is a failure.

On the PC side, you are talking about rigs that costs hundreds or thousands, adding to that the way higher prices of said VR hardware. That number on PC shrinks significantly when all of that is factored in.

However, ask yourself. Is 3 million really a number that makes you say: Wow, PSVR is on fire! It is taking VR to the next level! Just an honest question.

If it’s more than twice of what the competitors have sold, it’s somewhat respectable. It’s a constant growth which ensures trust in the market, especially with an adoption rate that high for games.

I don’t get why some people here act as if it must set the world on fire at the first try. Especially since everybody knows how hard it is to market VR. People just don’t get it without trying it.



OTBWY said:
Errorist76 said:

I'm sure you're speaking from experience. Please let us much experience do you have with PSVR?

Would you have 2D gaming also considered to be "not there yet" until this gen of consoles?

I got to try it out at the Sony Building in Ginza during my Japan trip. And I have a mate that has one, played it plenty times already.

The last sentence doesn't make any sense.


Oh yes it does. I’ve been gaming for 36 years. By today’s standards gaming back then was incredibly clunky, terrible sound and graphics, huge lag, bad framerates etc...Do you think gaming would’ve developed in such a way if everybody would have complained about it “being not there yet”? 

From my perspective after these 36 years today’s VR is nothing short of a miracle. Sure it will develop and there’s still a lot of room for improvement, but it’s totally legit! Finally. And I don’t understand the negative attitude some people seem to have towards it.


Flilix said: 
I know that it isn't very nice to wish for a console to fail, but I really hope that VR doesn't get much bigger than this. I wouldn't mind it staying alive as a niche product, but I don't want it to become mainstream.

This fits exactly my last sentence. Why do you act as if it was stealing something from you? It’s a new, additional way to play...not a replacement.