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HollyGamer said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

Sony and others were approached in order to seek their interest level in the Bayoentta franchise. Sony and others had no interest in funding or helping another entry get made. In swoops Nintendo to save the day and  save the Bayonetta franchise. Sounds pretty similar to me.  Nintendo and Microsoft had no interest in Yakuza and then ended up finding a partner in Sony and gave the franchise a chance/saved that too.  So yes in my opinion I think they're very similar situations with both having great outcomes for both franchises.

That's because Sony never funded or investing on making Yakuza games, unlike Bayonetta to Nintendo. Yakuza problem was never about lack of funding because Sega approved it  , Bayonetta in the other hand were in different situation the sequel had never been approve by Sega and the Nintendo come to the rescue. 


taus90 said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

Yup exactly. Worked out well for all of us. Which is awesome. 

How is it exactly same story, Considering close proximity of Platinum games with Nintendo I doubt they would have gone to sony or MS first for B2, also  Yakuza was never funded by sony nor published by sony, like B2 was by Nintendo, Even if it was offered to Sony and MS, and the reason it could have been rejected was because 1st game performed poorly while yakuza was just a concept.

Nintendo saved an existing franchise to make its dying console exclusive line up look appealing that's standard in the industry. Sony did nothing like that they just gave a chance to a franchise be born on their most successful platform. So in short Sony had no intention of saving anything, besides a developers vision, while nintendo saved a franchise of already released game in order to save its ill fated Wii U 


outlawauron said:
PwerlvlAmy said:
lesson learned, situation is like Bayonetta. Sony and others passed and Nintendo is like ''i got you''.

Same situation here, good on this guy for sticking with the people who gave his game a chance.

I don't quite see the comparison. Nintendo just choose that losing money wasn't as important as another high quality exclusive. No company "rejected" or "denied" the game to release on their platform.

You, you and you!

Educate yourself.