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I started an argument elsewhere about the 'massive' amounts of body damage one can take in MGO without dying.

Frankly, It beginning to be a drag on the game to me, sneaking behind a guy who is crouching, and aiming an M4 (or any gun for that matter) and dispatching 3-5 shells of hot lead into his torso should be a kill.

Dropping what seems like a full clip (or enough to kill a small rhino) into him and having him either:

1 - run away

2 - I run out of rounds after like 12 shots, reload, while he turns around and fires off a lucky one shot that hits me in the face, killing me

3 - me firing a clip alerts his team where I am, and they kill me

 So now I spend all my time aiming for the head, which is so not realistic, while all other aspects of the game are quite good at being true to life. 

3-4 rounds out of even the smallest sub-machine gun will drop 99% of men if it hits them in the chest / back / torso.

So, my question, what is your opinion on damage in terms of body shots? (they got head shots right, one and done, but I think the body should be like 5 max) 


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)