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I was watching when they announced it, that was so hype. For a moment I actually thought they'd have some kind of micro direct right then and there with a character trailer and I freaked out. Then I realized they couldn't really interrupt a tournament for that long but I was still pretty pumped. I'm hoping we get at least one new character, some new stages, maybe even an official announcement of ALL the stages being there, and in particular the modes. I know a new story mode is probably asking for too much, but at least an adventure mode. I'm hoping we get unique break the target courses for all the characters, I don't care how many there are, I want that so much.

Lol at all the people still so pissed off about Smash being the main event at E3 that they felt they needed to come in and shit on our parade. If you don't like it, move on and let us be hyped in peace, thank you very much. Like really, if you were at a video game club, and some people were playing Mario Kart, some people were playing Halo, and some people were playing Fortnite, and you like Mario Kart and Halo but hate Fortnite, are you going to go over to the people playing Fortnite and tell them all how much you hate it? That'd be fucking weird, and they'd be completely justified to tell you to go play one of the other games and stop shitting on their fun.