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The uncomfortable facts are that this has already become an intractable conflict. Both sides are in the wrong, but it is Israel that is a sovereign state and therefore the onus of responsibility falls on Israel to provide some sort of accomodation. The optimal solution would be for Palestine to become an independent state, but I realize how and why Israel will view this as a capitulation and dreadful loss of what it considers its "own" space.

The next thing would be a true federation, with two fully independent parliaments and their own legislative power based on respect of the various limits and boundaries established through a mutually acceptable treaty.

But any of these options right now is entirely wishful thinking. Legal and constitutional amendments are fragile and not a panacea. It takes new political voices and perspectives to emerge, from both sides, alongside true efforts at reconciliation, before any solution becomes viable.

The only certain thing is that violence begets violence. Mothers and fathers have mourned their children on both sides. Children are being raised with hatred and irrationality as basis. They are taught, on both sides, to hate first.

Hatred has never brought anything positive for humanity. To advocate as solution the "utter defeat" of Palestinians is not a solution at all. It is just a contract for a future of further conflict, spite, violence, death, and radicalisation.