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So what should be done about Hamas and Hezbollah? Were there Jewish organizations dedicated to destroying Germany? Were there Jewish terrorist groups blowing up German pizza parlors or public buses? Should the US adopt 'radical solutions' to deal with ISIS and Al Qaeda without having to fight anyone which would entail killing civilians?

In terms of ratios compared to other armed conflicts in history and around the world, civilian casualties inflicted by Israel are actually rather low. especially when considering Hamas' strategy of using human shields and doing everything possible to maximize civilian casualties in Gaza. The IDF goes to farther lengths than any other army, including the US, to not cause civilian casualties. An international team of military experts wrote a report after the 2014 Gaza conflict warning that if the standard Israel upheld during that conflict was to be set as the new international standard no western army would be able to effectively fight a war ever again. Right now, terrorists are launching arson attacks against Israel and burning the southern half of the country, and the IDF is refusing to open fire on the people launching the attacks because Hamas is sending children to do its dirty work. What other military would hold its fire against a group of people deliberately burning thousands of acres and launching firebomb attacks on kindergartens and hospitals?