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I can buy it outright but after playing the demo and considering how HUGE of a fanboy i was of Battlefield 2 why bother deluding myself. Untile they make another perfect dark I'm not gonna play another shooter.

The demo confirmed all i had hoped for. This was just as good as BF2, but with all the benefits of a console, and the destructability only made it more fun. My taste may be different from most but some people may agree with me. To those people I AM your support guy. I heal your ank and you and rape people with machine guns. GOTTA LOVE the mortar strike too. Gotta love ALL the new things like the single bomb strike for Recon and the health injector for assault.


I have only one complaint for the whole thing (although i havent played the full yet) No P90. My favorite gun of all time gets snubbed this time. Maybe it'll be in an expansion. Also the grappling hooks, gas guns, and ziplines would be a nice add-on when they release the expansion pack that they will certainly release cause the preliminary hype shows this WILL be the best selling FPS of the summer. Killzone 2 need not apply if PS3 version is as good as 360.

Also the humor is good. Got more laughs from the demo then a whole game worth of "american tee tee" jokes in GTA4.

friend code Wii: 1974 0901 4063 4699

360 Live SN: Myahon

PSN: Myahon