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Somebody told me that there'd be something interesting in this thread.

Somebody lied.


But in all seriousness, it seems like a cool concept, but it would probably never happen. Even if EA and Sony wanted to do it, it'd be hard to implement from a programming perspective.

But if it were to happen, it would certainly raise the casual appeal of the console. Though Home itself should do that to a degree.

In the end, it will be the price that holds people back. The Sims thrives because of it's low hardware requirements. Basically anybody with a PC can run it somewhat decently. Having to buy a $400 console to run the Sims Online wouldn't inspire too many people to buy it.

It would do much better on the Wii, imo, since the mainstream audience has laready embraced the console with open arms.

Though LittleBigPlanet and other titles could help widen the ps3's target audien....


I just realized you're looking at this from OUR perspective rather than a sales perspective.

Nevermind then.

It sounds cool, but I'd probably never use it. The only things I'm looking forward to from Home are the dev spaces and the ability to join games with friends easier ala the party system from XBL.

The dev spaces look really cool, imo. It'd be nice to go to Naughty Dog's dev space and check out the latest trailers for Uncharted 2, download that free sidescroller they've mentioned, etc., or go the Warhawk space and enter a war room with your friends where you can plan strategies together over a giant tactical map, and then go from the room straight into a server.