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I think what gets me the most about this is the hypocrisy. Gunn was definitely a dude who liked to provoke and press taboos, so Disney really should have known better in the first place. Plus, it's clear he has changed since then and it's been 7-10 years. The hypocrisy comes in when I mention 'song of the south'. The Disney Corporation has never exactly been a pinnacle of morality and timeless values so to assume it's okay to bury THEIR past but it's not okay for the directors they work with to bury their pasts is hypocritical.

Had he made these tweets in even the last four years (since the first Guardians came out), I'd shrug and say yeah, let him go. Those tweets were terrible, in bad taste and not funny no matter who you are. But 10 years? A lot happens in 10 years. Hell, I'm a much, much better person than I was 10 years ago and I wasn't making jokes about pedophilia back then.

Either way, this does upset me for many reasons. The hypocrisy stinks, I hate that, apparently, it was some conservative watchdog targetting him for being critical of the right. Modern outrage culture is the worst, and I'm sick of companies severing ties with someone because they did a bad thing in the past.

I mean, not to make it political, but apparently Hollywood is more discerning than American politics. Trump does shit like this all the time and you still elected him yet James Gunn makes some horribly offensive tweets in a failed attempt at humor ten years ago and he loses his job? Yeah, not sure what to make of that.