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OP: i'll counter your story with my own :) i have a ps4 pro and i picked up doom at launch. the day after launch i play snap map with some friends and the 1st level of the game. Really good game, couldn't wait to play more. then the weekend was over. Then i had work, then i had to go to the gym, then i had an anniversary. time after time life came up and i wasn't playing my new game. 3 months later i replayed the 1st level. It was pretty awesome. it was also the last time i played doom on the ps4.

fast forward to the release of the nintendo switch. picked up zelda played it for a couple days then went to work. The day after that i realized the switch is portable enough to take to work and hook up to a cpu monitor. I've played more videogames now than i have in YEARS. It is a gaming godsend. Also, i finally got to finish doom. Definitely some bugs there, but it was still awesome. Really hope the sequel comes to switch. Kudos to panic button. Just this past week i finished dragon quest builders before octopath came out. I get to play for about an hour a day on my lunch break and i love it. So, to your point yes. It does pose a problem for many gamers to justify spending the extra money for inferiority, BUT in some cases, the portability of the switch is worth it. Can't wait until stick of truth in september :)

Now, in all honestly, your point stands with plenty of merit. i get i'm not the "ideal gamer" cause i don't have the time as an adult to devote to the hobby, but i thought it may be refreshing, insightful, or even just amusing to see the flip side of the coin. And hell, before i was playing games on the switch i was still getting games on the ps4.... just not playing them (facepalm) so i guess i was still an avid consumer. Someday i'm sure i'll get to the pile of ps4 games i've had for over a year and haven't touched; prey, horizon 0 dawn, injustice 2, resident evil 7, and final fantasy 15. (damn black friday sales!)

Side note, if they could have made a more powerful system and made it the size of the wii or the same power and the size of the pstv i'd be singing mostly the same praises.