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McDonaldsGuy said:
Soundwave said:

Trumpkins don't believe anything even when the truth is staring them straight in the face.

This is the same candidate who said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose supporters.

Obama said Romney's foreign policy belonged in the 1980s because of his comments on Russia.

Obama said Russia wasn't a threat to the USA and was a "regional power" that was "acting out of weakness" after the invasion of Crimea. Obama said he was more worried about a nuke going off in the middle of Manhattan than Russia.

You lost and now you're throwing a temper tantrum. You never expected to lose.

User was moderated for trolling - Aura7541

What I love about people using Obama words before the election hacking and things of that sort is that its classic disinformation.  It like saying you walk into a bar see this stunning woman.  You believe she is everything you want then when you go to her apartment she lives like a slob, she takes off the makeup, the push up bra and the girdle and what you thought looked good turned out to be crap.

Repeating things that was said before more information is brought to bear is classic BS because everyone with any common sense knows that what you believe out something in the beginning can be totally different once you receive all  the information.  Look what Obama said after Russia invaded Ukraine or after the hacking the DNC.  Those are way more relevant then what a person believed in the beginning.

The very key issue here is that Trump in a meeting with Putin decided to believe Putin over his own government agencies.  Basically he just threw them under the bus because he believe Putin word over the countless evidence that has been produce that this attack was initiated by Russia.  Even if Trump believed this, you would think he would first make sure that he can definitely support Putin word over his intelligence agencies before making a public statement.  After pretty much throwing every Ally under the bus, Trump comes away from a meeting with Putin singing Russia praise.  Lol, now people who have been Republicans for years are suddenly on the Russia bus where all of our allies are enemies and Russia wants to be our friends.  I wondered how much people would dismiss what has happened and its been very interesting to see comments in support of Trump tweet.

I am truly believe that Trump could shot someone and people that support him will find a way to say it was Obama fault or blame the victim them condemn Trump.