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Most people who buy Nintendo consoles don't care about specs. I mean the 3DS is still selling pretty weil considering it's age and that thing really looks archaic These days. The Switch is fine. It doesn't need moah powah for dem grfxx. It just needs more games and those are coming. Considering the price tag and the fact it's a portable Device, the looks of Switch games are pretty impressive. Sure, some highend smartphones may have better specs and even prettier looking games. But those very rarely reach the depth of games on Switch. Plus I will never be able to play Bayonetta, Mario Odyssee or BotW on my phone, no matter how beefy the specs may be.

Software sells hardware, Not the other way around. It's as simple as that.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.