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I agree. Microsoft still lets people who have illegal copies of their software download security updates. Not many other companies can say the same about people using their software illegally. Also Microsoft goes after spammers, virus writers, phishers, and other types of low lifes who make life hell for many good people. Instead of the constant attacks on them maybe people should cut them a little slack.

I laugh at how some people think they're somehow evil for having a monopoly, many other companies have acted in the same way and never got the same flack that Microsoft has. Apple tried to monopolize online music with the success of it's ipod brand and I never heard the same hate towards them that some people direct at Microsoft. Even Nintendo used to make third parties sign agreements not to make games for other systems yet you never hear of any of the same kind of hate directed at them.

Add to that the billions that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given around the world to the very less fortunate. I'm curious besides Bill and Warren Buffet name other heads of businesses that have given billions like that.

Anyways if you want to hate, well go ahead but maybe you should stop and think about what you're hating and why.