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Lingyis said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Lingyis said:
of course online matters. i for one had a 25% of getting metroid if it's got online, but 0% if it's not.

but quite frankly, even if metroid's got online, it's likely to suck. nintendo needs to design a dedicated online FPS, not just tack it onto metroid or something.

or maybe one would just have to hope somebody comes up with a big online FPS hit on the Wii. it's money there to be made.

See? I knew there'd be strange people that don't buy Metroid because it's not online...but I suppose they aren't the kind of gamers that would like Metroid anyway, so whatever, no loss.

No offense to you, but Metroid doesn't need to be online, and you're an idiot for passing it up, but whatever.

yeah, i'm sure single player's gonna be amazing. but the reason i won't get metroid, along with things like mario galaxy, or zelda twillight princess, is because i get motion sickness within minutes of playing the game. there is no way i'm gonna go through 20-40 hours of motion sickness if it's just for the gameplay or the single-player campaign.

but if there IS multiplayer online... then it becomes possible for me to hook up with a buddy to play multiplayer online. if i lose horribly in head-to-head, at least i can get a laugh out of it. it becomes competitive, and that's always make me focus better. and if it's co-op, i'd feel it's having fun with friends. like with a cousin of mine who lives thousands of miles away, who i would never otherwise get to hang out with.

yeah, you're right--i'm not the kind of player who would buy metroid to begin with. but nintendo can increase their business if they have a reasonable online option. doesn't even have to be great--just enough to entice me to getting it, and maybe play it once every other week with a friend. i'm the type who get satiated rather easily.

another anecdote--a friend's parents divorced. the dad and the son used to play video games as a "bonding" experience. obviously, they don't anymore. but you know, a simple online option for one of the most popular games goes a long way for those kind of people.

i don't understand nintendo's neglect of online aspects of games. there must be something we don't know.

 You get motion sickness from playing regular videogames?  Well that sucks...but online games aren't going to look any different from offline games...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )