I'm not sure which F2P games count, since I bought access for Paladins it counts for me, while I don't count Fortnite.
Here is my list:
Paladins: Champions of the Realm
Hollow Knight
Rocket League
Fifa 18
Battle Chasers Nightwar
Sonic Mania
Layers of Fear Legacy
Steam World Dig 2
Sonic Forces
Enter the Gungeon
Death Squared
Mario+rabbids Kingdom Battle
I am Setsuna
Snipperclips (Plus)
One Piece Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition
Has Been Heroes
Super Bomberman R
Shantae Half Genie Hero
Wonderboy Dragons Trap
Fast RMX
The Flame in the Flood
Skylanders Imaginators
oh and I already preordered and paid for my Switch copy of Starlink Battle for Atlas at the Ubisoft store.
Last edited by Teno - on 12 July 2018