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NintendoPie said:
NoCtiS_NoX said: 

Media Create

Model Sales Last week Last Year YTD Last YTD LTD
Switch 48,944 48,062 22,361 1,166,378 1,014,020 4,478,997
PS4 20,295 25,138 25,680 971,052 775,638 6,863,455
3DS 6,812 7,052 14,729 272,226 670,492 24,095,005
Vita 2,163 3,099 4,077 103,052 207,583 5,890,932
Xbone 547 786 265 8,482 4,478 96,918
All 78,761 84,137 67,463 2,521,190 2,703,632 41,425,307

Switch @ 49k compared to 22k same week LY. A better stock situation and the collection of releases certainly increased the baseline. Good show. And with all the arguing in this thread about MHW's massive effect on the PS4's, a look should be taken at this HW LY to now comp. The baseline should be higher, but MHW just had a peak effect. I'm not going to argue if MHW did very well, because it did, but it definitely didn't increase the longevity of PS4's selling based on this comp alone.

And that is almost exactly what I'm saying and agreeing with. Only, I get backlash for having had the expectation of it doing more (over time).