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AngryLittleAlchemist said:

Let me guess, this video is Arlo attacking low-hanging fruit by addressing a controversy with overtly bad points in an attempt to make the Switch seem more flawless than it actually is? I probably hit the nail on the coffin. I'm waiting for the day when someone who actually has decent points about the Switch's library can actually speak up and have their points addressed, instead of people always replying to the dumbest of arguments to make an entire subsection of people who are disappointed with the Switch's library seem ridiculous. 

I feel like Arlo does this a lot. To this day I still remember how bad his video about ports was, because there was so much inherent flaws in his arguments, but also because the arguments were so unoriginal that the whole video was basically the same defense that had been used for months by every Nintendo fan with access to the internet already. I mean does Arlo not get the irony when he says "but it is a pet peeve of mine when people - instead of stating their own opinions - attack the opinions of others, and make silly generalizations like this, ignoring the many, many factors that come into play with any given subject".  Like really? Any of your argumentative videos make silly generalizations to oversimplify any points that go against your own viewpoint, and are just completely unoriginal. 

But sure Arlo, congratulations on making a video pointing out the obvious. It feels incredibly disingenuous, but yes, that image is incredibly stupid, and you pointed out why well. 

I'm sure that's an honest mistake, but I cracked up so much I couldn't read any further.