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forest-spirit said:
I'm not sure about building a list of restricted words, because there's a whole lot of words that could be used in inappropriate ways and I feel like such a list would become unsustainable as more and more words gets added to it. Don't get me wrong, I certainly believe that using words like autistic as an insult is worthy of moderation, I'm just not sure if that's the best way of handling it.

i would also thinks such a list would vary from person to person which would make it almost impossible to keep track off and uphold. im not easily insulted or offended myself but for some strange reason people saying goodmorning to  me anoys me and adding that to a list would be insane and wouldnt help anyone. i believe people can say whatever they want as long as its nothing thats against the law like inciting violence or hatred  towards certain groups of people. other than that the moment someone says something you dont like or offends you speak up to them or ignore, mute or block them. but if we start making lists with words we cant say it will become a very long list.

Last edited by iamsomeone - on 25 June 2018