It's cool to see the information about even the f2p ones like fortnite, just to see the information about how many people jump on free games like Pokemon and Fortnite but don't get roped in by things like Kitten Quest a game laced with PETA propaganda pushed onto the eshop for free to get kids asking questions to their parents about why the meat and animal industry's are so evil.
Seriously... that game is worth playing just to see some of the dialogue in it.
Yay.... Kittens.... wait... what was that about throats?
but.... there's more fun with kittens right Mr Raven?
Well okay then, thanks for the free game PETA.
Sad thing is.... the actual game is a clone of binding of Isaac which isn't too bad lol, you just have to roll your eyes every now and then when the game tries to guilt you into making a donation to PETA to show you don't hate beautiful living things... Like Beef and Chicken stew
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