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Faelco said:
TH3-D0S3R said:
Jesus. I was expecting this film to at least make it's budget before marketing, and it wont likely get to 8 figures within that.

I didn't want to propose this since I figured the next film will be a big deal, but it might be time to start considering whether or not Episode IX will flop.

If they don't change anything before Episode IX, it will flop compared to the previous ones. They can't get more people than TLJ, it will probably be quite less viewers if you count people who lost interest and people boycotting. And other movies won't be scared of SW anymore, so they can't expect an easy release schedule.


Except if the movie is considered a masterpiece by the first viewers, it will be quite lower than TLJ (which was already quite lower than TFA). People will defend it saying that's it will still be big numbers, but compared to the others, a flop can be expected. 

Yea, it's looking like they are staying the course for now. Spewing out mediocre films and bashing the fans as they go along.  I'm guessing Ep 9 won't flop in the literal sense of the word, but it will greatly disappoint. Guessing $900M-$1.1B.