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Thats sad, I really liked Talon and most of all, appreciated what he did.But unfortunely, for better or worse, you need to have a tough skin to head or be an administrator in any capacity of an online forum.unlike real life, where there are real consequences for being a jerk and/or an idiot(you can punch the other guy, actually call names, etc.And if someone is really being unreasonable, ususally he will be unreasonable around people he knows, and that could have real effects on his life, which prevents people from being jerks), in the internet you can be as unreasonable or as trolololol as you want since the worst thing that can happen to you is for you to get banned from that place.But then you just go and find another one that serves more or less the same purpose.

Its sad, but unfortunely its the truth.Talon was, in my brief experience with him, a really sensible person and someone who is really easy to piss, which are horrible carachteristics for an admin.I do hope that someday he comes back, not only because everyone appreciates what he does, even the ones that say they dont, but because it would show to these same persons that he is better than them.Plus, given how easily infuriated he gets, would be an excellent training for real life situations.

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.