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Millions of gamers aren't even satisfied with 60Hz moniters (let alone 30Hz legacy console gameplay) because they want to play in 144Hz to be able to compete in multiplayer.

You can never provide more than 60 Hz in streaming because of technical barriers. Therefore most gamers will wanna have the hardware in their home, not in the cloud.

Look at what happened to the On-Live game-streaming service, it flopped and cost hundreds of millions to the developer. And not many gamers choose to stream their games through the Sony cloud serivce. Plus Microsoft made an enormous deal out of gaming in the cloud service back in 2014 and yet their poster-boy for that tech, the game Crackdown 3, isn't even ready to be released in 2018. And rumour says that the procedural destrucion of Crackdown 3 has been dialed back because online streaming won't be fast enuff to handle it even in 2019.