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EricHiggin said:
Ontario has a massive debt and not just in comparison to other provinces in Canada. That debt has doubled in just the last 10 years or so, that's insane. Who was in power the entire time and longer? The Liberals. Ontario used to be the sugar daddy and give hand outs to the other less profitable provinces, and now it's the other way around.

Spending money to stop the economy from crashing or stagnating isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when you just simply keep spending money, hiring more government workers, paying those workers more and more, propping up the unions, helping them more and more, propping up the min wage to an unsustainable amount, and racking up debt, your going to either lose or crash the economy eventually. Money isn't free and doesn't grow on tree's, someone has to eventually pay for it, and when it's not you paying for it, it's pretty easy to keep spending.

Hopefully Ford follows in Trumps footsteps and lets the free economy do it's thing. There is not near enough competition and way to much of a monopoly in Ontario and Canada and it's slowly crushing everything. In the last 15 years working in Ontario, I've seen the quality and progress of work in general decline rapidly. Not only that, but the jobs that require hard work and sacrifice are everywhere and pay amazing but nobody takes them because it means working hard and dedication, something that is in short supply in Ontario at the moment.

Now if only we could have Kevin O'Leary as PM we would be all set. Canada and Ontario would become Trumps best friends and we could all become great again.

P.S. I didn't even bother voting. When I saw the media showing polls with the NDP neck and neck with the Conservatives I knew it was B.S. just like Hillary way up on Trump. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump runs again he wins as big as Ford did.

I hope Rogers finally gets competition. They have a monopoly despite their very slow internet.