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For me, the perfect Fire Emblem would land somewhere between Genealogy of the Holy War and Blazing Sword which, IMO, are Fire Emblem at the best.

Unfortunately (and I am well aware of this), that sort of game has a much narrower appeal to games like Heroes, Fates, and Awakening. The series is shifting further away from its strategy roots and more into RPG elements - ironically, some of the other elements that typically people like RPGs for (like storytelling and pacing) have seen a decline in more recent games.


I wouldn't mind seeing some of the advancements made in the relationship systems brought over; BUT, I want those relationships to matter, like if a father/mother/wife/husband/child is killed in battle, that it will impact the story regarding those characters. Right now the games are too circled around teams of immortal characters, and I kind of hate that about recent fire emblems.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.