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I was never a fan of star wars. Havent even seen them all. But i never hated the franchise. After the last jedi i dont even want pirate it.

I get why she took this direction with the franchise. If it was me in charge and i dint like the franchise i to would have changed it into something i do like. But she decided to ditch a big fan base for a tini one. The same way as the marvel comics. They maybe thought the fans would stay nomatter what and gained the new younger crowd but that was far from the case.

I would have understood if this was a new case but it has happened before and in their own Disney owned marver so they should know that there is a limit of how much fans would tolarate and they should also know tha the younger crowd they arw trying to bring is just not interested in all theese old characters or narration.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.