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I’m the guy in my circle who drags friends and family’s butts to the cinema to watch movies (usually superhero and sci fi/fantasy). This year I just didn’t and of those intrerested in watching, I told them my opinions. None of my friends/family watched Solo. I wouldn’t say I was the reason they didn’t, more like I didn’t give those on the fence to actually do so like I’ve done in the past. Many were surprised I didn’t try to force them to watch Solo, many were just meh about the prospect of watching due to the reviews. Some didn’t even know the movie existed or cared that it did. My circle is composed of around 20 friends/family (and their families or dates who they bring to movies) who I would have dragged kicking and screaming to the cinemas. This time I didn’t. And none of them watched. Not one. I am a bit ashamed to admit it, but I find a small satisfaction in that.

I don’t hate TLJ (and I don’t know if Solo is any good, but TLJ just turned me off from SW altogether), I just found it kinda average. My problem is that with all the characters that I loved gone (in a kinda shitty manner, too) and replaced by IMO rather mediocre characters that I just can’t give a damn about, why even watch SW? Why even care?

Last edited by DrDoomz - on 04 June 2018