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Faelco said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

Actually I believe the so called nazis/facists/misogynists etc are the far majority. And this is one of the reasons Solo took a bit hit and I believe next star wars movies also will. If it was a minority then it would not make a difference.

Sjw are the minority, but a very organized, loud and troublemaker minority. Capable of destroyng your life because of a tweet of 8 years ago when you were a drunk teenager. 

The next numbered SW will be a success, but probably way below ep8, which was already below ep7. I wont be watching it on the movies. Maybe later on netflix only.

The main reason why SW took a big hit after TLJ is because the movie was shit, with a ridiculously bad plot, plot holes, entire lack of character development and too many face-palming moments to count. 


If your so called nazis/facists/etc were a majority, then TFA and Rogue One (the movie with the female lead raised by a handicapped black guy, helped by Asians and an Arab pilot) would have flopped too. But no. The only difference between TLJ and those movies? Not races or genders, but the quality.


Do good movies, get good numbers. Do shitty movies, get shitty numbers. It's easy to understand. SW managers are now more focused on the sexual identity of the characters than their development or storylines, so they are perfectly unable to do a good movie as long as they don't change completely their way of thinking.

I think you misunderstood him.  He's saying "so-called Nazis/fascists/misogynists" because that's what fans are basically being called if they dislike the direction of the new SW, as well as the identity politics being pushed.  But, you are right, if that's what these fans actually were, then TFA and RO would have flopped.