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NightlyPoe said:
thismeintiel said:

1. SW has been a great performer at the FBO.  Even when it was small.  You guys focus on percentages, because you think that proves your point, but all it shows is that SW was HUGE in US/Canada.  ANH made $1.31B (adjusted) at the FBO, without the huge market that is China today.  So, just because it made $1.28B in NA, causing FBO to be 50.6%, that means its not a cultural touchstone?  What flawed logic.

You act like the world is just looking through a window at the US for their SJW crap.  They aren't.  They got that shit happening in their own countries.  News Flash, not everyone in those countries agrees with it.  And yes, it can ruin their enjoyment of a cultural touchstone, which it is in many countries, like SW.

2. Maybe you are the one in the echochambers.  Was the NFL thing covered everywhere?  Sure.  However, the NFL didn't bash their fans for disagreeing with the players.  And now that they know it will cost them more if they keep it going, they have changed their policy.  The TLJ controversy was also covered by a lot of people.  Of course, it is just one movie, not a game that gets played every week, so its not going to come up as often.  However, because Disney bashed its fans, there was a much larger fan backlash.  That is evident on social media, like Twitter and Youtube, and in ticket sales.  And no, Disney didn't personally issue a statement.  But there silence as Kathleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams, Jon Kasdan, etc. pushed their agenda and bashed those who disagree speaks volumes.

3. The only time I said the vast majority was in context to why the SJWs at Disney and in the media are freaking out.  They do honestly think that the people who think like I do about the new SW, regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum, are a minuscule portion of the fanbase, while the people who think like them are the vast majority.  That's why they are having their minds blown at the disappointing performance of TLJ and the flop that is Solo, even though they think it should be perfectly fine to attack these "bigots" online or put their agendas in the film.  It's a rude awakening for them.  I realize that you actually agree with them, but there's nothing that's going to change your mind, even if Ep 9 flops or greatly underpeforms next year, so whatever.  I guess it will still be fatigue, lol.

Lol, its funny how you guys can just stick your fingers in your ears consistently, ignoring everything around you.  There is no way anyone with any sense can say something like that seriously, which is why I know you are just saying this as you have no other argument.  The TLJ was supposed to do ~$1.8B.  It did $470M less than that.  We now have the first ever SW flop.  And on top of that, toy sales have dropped ever since TLJ released.  Oh, but all is well.

1.  Star Wars did well in other countries, but it is nowhere near as big in them.  The enthusiasm is less durable.  Hence, we're seeing the faster erosion from there because of, hate to break it to you, franchise fatigue.

Unless you can convince me that the rest of the world is more sick of American SJW stuff than Americans themselves, I'm not sure what argument you think you're making.

2.  I generally ignore both controversies, so no, I'm not in any echo chamber whatsoever.  But of the two, the NFL one is easily the that is more difficult to stay away from.  People get legitimately upset on both sides if you disagree.  I've yet to hear in my normal everyday life, anyone talk about TLJ and how terrible it is that someone called fans bigots.  BTW, the NFL didn't put the issue to rest, they basically left it up to teams how they'll handle the situation.  Some teams have already stated that they will pay the fine.

As I said, you're in an echo chamber.  All you've really proven is that social media sites have good algorithms for anticipating what it is you'll want to click on next which makes reality more difficult to discern.  Just because it pops up on your feeds, doesn't mean that everyone cares.

Also, you still haven't provided anyone of importance (not the writer of a novel for goodness sake) attacking the fanbase.

3.  I told you, I'm a Republican.  I don't agree with them at all, and think that a few things shouldn't have been in the movie.  But they were relatively minor, like Rose's Canto Bight speech.  Additionally, I hate the Finn character and think he's the worst character so far in Star Wars.  I didn't like the slow motion chase scene or Holdo.  I especially don't believe it was a good idea to go to a 1 movie per year schedule and then force the Solo movie onto the summer schedule, but that's a business mistake, not a political one.  However, everything in TLJ that had Luke/Rey/Ben and its questioning the importance of legends, and then reaffirming them while taking away Rey's innocence at its center was some of the best work yet done in Star Wars and thought the Solo movie turned out to be forgettable, but mostly harmless and I'd love to see a Lando movie.

There's little difference between blind rage and bling love.  There's a large amount of difference between those two and open criticism.

4.  I asked before, where did this $1.8 billion number come from?

1. Excuses, excuses.  And American SJW?  Again, why the segregation?  SJW is SJW, no matter where it happens.  And yes, it happens in other countries, not just America. And yes, not everyone agrees with it.

2. Social media is everyday.  The world has changed.  Not sure if you are aware of that.  What people say on Twitter can get put on the news within hours.  And the NFL actually has put it to rest.  For now, at least.  You kneel, you pay a fine.  Some teams may choose to pay a fine, but if it sees another ~10% drop this coming season, you can bet your ass they will either stiffen the fine/punishment or they will just ban it altogether.  They still have yet to call their fans bigots. 

And I know how the algorithm works.  But, no algorithm gives a nobody Youtube channel 100s of thousands, or even millions, of views on their vid.  With the vast majority liking the vid.  Speaking of Likes, a larger channel, HISHE has the series How It Should Have Ended.  One of their most popular vids, The Avengers, has ~29M views.  A huge film that made more money than TLJ.  It currently has 237K Likes to 6.2K Dislikes.  The one they did for TLJ, has ~6M views so far, yet 250K Likes to 4.3K Dislikes.  That just shows how passionate the people who disliked that film and said they were done are.  And most of them were serious.  RLM's most viewed vid, after a few of the Plinkett reviews, is their review of TLJ, where they criticized the film. 

3. Some of the best in SW history?  Boy.  Personally, I think it was so poorly executed, with poor reasons for all of it, it destroys any depth that could have been there.  Luke turns from the Jedi?  Ok...why?  "Oh, there was confusion and Ben thought he was going to kill him."  So, how does that lead to Luke just giving up and running away like a little pussy, leaving his fuck up for his best friend and sister, two people he loves, to deal with it all?  It also completely shits on the fact that in TFA, Luke purposely left a map to where he was going, supposedly for them to find him when they 100% needed him.  That also doesn't explain why he gave up on the Jedi for his fuck up.  "Oh, well, they let the Emperor and Vader rise when they were at their peak."  And?  That's it?  This is shit he's already known for decades.  Now, all of a sudden he can't stand it and just wants to die?  Poor reasoning and characterization.

And destroying Rey's innocence?  More like they completely reinforced it, as well as her status as a Mary Sue.  She goes straight for the Dark Side, setting up a possible turn for her, possibly both her and Ben.  Nope, she's not tempted by the Dark Side, at all.  Not even Luke was that innocent.  She even can train herself.  Then, Snoke goes out like a bitch, but we get a decent fight scene with her and Ben.  They defeat the guards, and Ben reaches out a hand and asks her to join a 3rd side.  Not really evil, not necessarily good, but one that can rule the galaxy with order.  This is actually the point in the film where I was like, "Interesting, we could get Ben becoming good, again, or this 3rd side.  I'm actually getting back into thi...Nope, nevermind.  MaRey Sue has to be innocent and 100% on the good side."  And while Ben passes out from the blast of destroying the lightsaber, she hardly gets hurt and runs out just to be there in time to save the Rebels.  Oh, and show off that she is the most powerful Jedi ever WITH ABSOLUTELY NO TRAINING!!

Also, I like Finn.  I guess you are just racist.    But, the problem is they just screwed up any arc he could have had.  One, it would have been more interesting to have him the Jedi, instead of Luke wannabe.  And in the 2nd one, they wasted him by using him as just a side character in the Disney Casino side quest.  No development at all.  In fact, he was about to do something interesting, by sacrificing himself to save others.  This is something he really would have never done before, though they didn't really build up to it in TLJ.  But, of course, like anything good they may have had going, they ruin it.

There were so many interesting things they hinted at in TFA, and even some in TLJ, but ultimately TLJ delivered on none of them.  Actually shitting on most of them.

4.  That was the consensus of movie analysts, which you can be assured was Disney's expectation, too.  It was supposed to make $750M-850M at the DBO.  A few thought it would do better than that.  Even after the steep 2nd weekend drop, they adjusted it to $1.6B.  It couldn't even pull that off.  And on top of that, which people like to continue to ignore so they can claim Disney is "crying straight to the bank," merch sales also took a big dip around and after that film.  Not a good showing.

Last edited by thismeintiel - on 03 June 2018