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2017 could have been the last year. The two consoles are very close right now, and it can really go either way depending on the end of the year.
I don’t think we know enough about what Sony and Nintendo are doing in November and December. About half of PS4 sales occur in Q3, and most in the month before Christmas alone. Nintendo has the potential to do 60% in that quarter. So it’s really an unanswerable question until we know plans.

Nintendo dropped a super interesting announcement of a new type of Pokémon RPG. We don’t know how that will go yet. I thought it was an awesome and fresh idea - but Pokemon fans seem to be angry about it because of... no grinding? :/

I’m not a traditional Pokemon fan, so I think perhaps there’s a bit of a different expectation of what makes an RPG good from my perspective vs. there’s. Also, I loved the Go experience which they stuck their noses up at... It was kind of amazing seeing a bunch of grown men and women roving the country looking for Pokemon - IMO a really interesting part of video gaming history.

I’ll say that the Go Twins are an explosive of unknown yield. Don’t be surprised if they go off like a nuke and sell ~8 million each. Of course, they could do around 300K each. 

Last edited by Jumpin - on 03 June 2018

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.