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irstupid said:

You do realize you're probably talking about like 100 people total. Just a small group of actual bigots who have a loud voice on the internet. It's not exclusive to Star Wars either, they will complain and "boycott" other movies. Ignore those 100 people. It's people like you and the media talking about them that are giving them essentially a voice. Ignore them.

99.9% of bashing of the movie is always about the plot, ruining characters, pointless scenes, forced comedy, ect. 99% of the other side of the argument is what you are doing. Calling us bigots and saying we are racists for thinking that 'asian' character sucked ass. We don't give a shit she was Asian. She could have been any race or sex, her character and its arc still sucked ass.

I see people complain all the time about the saving Finn by that 'asian' character (just saying Asian character as it would annoy you and also can't recal her name) during his sacrifice. Yes the whole saving him for love and what not was cringey, but what annoyed me more was the fact that she could save him. From what I recal in the scene, Finn drives straight the entire time at full speed. The others all veered off. So how did she catch up enough to ram him perpendicular? Okay, so I guess he was slowed down by the ramming beam for her to catch up. But then why the heck didn't he get shot down. The empire was like amazing at its accuracy just earlier shooting them down left and right, but then when its just one left and he is in a beeline towards obviously your important item, not only do they never hit him, I don't even think they shoot at him. But let's ignore all that again. Finn and the 'asian' crash and then on foot run all the way to the freaking bunker before these AT'AT's can get close. Like seriously, each step of the AT-AT should cover like 30 yards or more. And I guess the empire again just ignores two people running across and open desert for safety.

I'm going to just stop there for now. I could continue to talk about that ONE scene. The point is, there are many many scenes in the movie that we can spend paragraphs after paragraphs bringing out flaws, stupid things, horrible moments, ect in regards to that movie. Then after our Rant you will come in and say "you're racists for not liking the Asian."

@ bold

You obviously forgot part of that scene, cause it's even dumber than that, lol.  They didn't run back to the base.  Rose passed out after kissing Finn.  Finn actually dragged her ass all the way to the base, which must have taken like 20 mins or more considering how far out they were.  And this was AFTER Kylo gave the order for there to be no survivors.

DarthMetalliCube said:

Just saw the Red Letter Media review of Solo (these guys are top of the list when it comes to movie knowledge so I trust them), very interesting.. They're usually pretty harsh on Star Wars these days, but one guy seemed to love the movie, one disliked it, and one was kind of on the fence. A few other interesting points..

- They said the new actor who plays Solo manages to capture the spirit of Solo while also sort of doing his own thing

- Lando is more of a direct copy with the new actor's performance

- Cinematography is pretty atrocious, hard to see what's going on

- ZERO mention of Lando being "pansexual," this was more than likely just tabloid bs made up by Disney and/or media to bring in clicks and hype for the movie as I suspected.

- The "social justice bot" as they call it is actually so over the top and on the nose in the movie that one of the guys actually believes it exists as sort of a subtle spoof of social justice types.

- movie is fun, but would have been better if it was a side story in the Star Wars universe with another character, using Solo felt unnecessary.

I actually kinda of want to see this movie now lol, though I'm still in no rush and will probably just get around to seeing it a year from now when it ends up on Netflix or Amazon..

To me, it seems more like they went in with the lowest expectations possible, but actually got a mediocre film, instead of straight garbage.  Of course, those type of films usually surprise you when you first see them, but do not stand the test of time.

@ bold

The pansexual thing, at least as they put it, was just a question from a media outlet that Jon Kasden just kinda said sure.  However, even if it started there, that's not how it ended.  Jon continued to push that narrative on social media.  As did Donald Glover.  They are basically confirming that that is canon, now.  And Disney is not disagreeing. 

And while the SJW bot may seem like a parody to anyone who is not one, she is not.  This is Kathleen Kennedy and Jon Kasden we are talking about here, they would not make fun of SJWs, as they are ones themselves. SJWs just love on the nose messages.  Hence the ones found in TLJ.  L3 was supposed to be admired and cheered for.