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Just saw the Red Letter Media review of Solo (these guys are top of the list when it comes to movie knowledge so I trust them), very interesting.. They're usually pretty harsh on Star Wars these days, but one guy seemed to love the movie, one disliked it, and one was kind of on the fence. A few other interesting points..

- They said the new actor who plays Solo manages to capture the spirit of Solo while also sort of doing his own thing

- Lando is more of a direct copy with the new actor's performance

- Cinematography is pretty atrocious, hard to see what's going on

- ZERO mention of Lando being "pansexual," this was more than likely just tabloid bs made up by Disney and/or media to bring in clicks and hype for the movie as I suspected.

- The "social justice bot" as they call it is actually so over the top and on the nose in the movie that one of the guys actually believes it exists as sort of a subtle spoof of social justice types.

- movie is fun, but would have been better if it was a side story in the Star Wars universe with another character, using Solo felt unnecessary.

I actually kinda of want to see this movie now lol, though I'm still in no rush and will probably just get around to seeing it a year from now when it ends up on Netflix or Amazon..


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden