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Xenoblade Chronicles X and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are two very different games in their own separate line. The X series is more focused on a big connected open world exploration, while the main series is more focused on story and being more linear (still with beautiful areas and huge areas to run around in though).

Anyway I enjoyed 2 so much, great story, characters and music and can't wait for the story DLC. Since you played so much of the first Xenoblade Chronicles you may want to finish off the story of that game but you don't have to. 

As for performance it's 720p 30fps (no big noticeable drops in my experience of playing through the game) and it has some good anti aliasing which is a rarity on some Nintendo games today. In docked mode the resolution is sub HD with varying resolutions, but on a tiny screen and coming from 3DS games it is still very playable undocked to me at least. 

Anyway fantastic game, was on the fence about it at first because I hadn't played the first game and only X but I am very glad I got it in the end. One of my most played and enjoyed Switch games.

Last edited by Green098 - on 27 May 2018