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LuccaCardoso1 said:
dx11332sega said:
I dont care for new IP's featuring woman or minorities . I just hate when an old established IP gets forced Diversity ? Leave the originals . Do that to new IP's and established IP's that were woman like Wonder woman but Leave my ghost busters alone etc. and do good for everyone 50/50 New IP's having white males leads the other New IP movies have female and minorities leads and leave old Ip's as they should like a white batman and white superman and white woman wonder woman . I'm hispanic btw

That's not how to world works. The world is not 50% white straight males and 50% women and minorities. There are actually more women than men in the US. The percentage of white straight males is probably around 35% in the US, considering that ~18% of all Americans are black or Asian, ~17% are from Hispanic/Latino descent (they can be white, though), and 4.1% of Americans consider themselves as non-heterosexual (that number is probably higher, though, as people might omit this information for fear of social pressure. Internet surveys usually give higher percentages, as they guarantee anonymity).

Btw, your Ghostbusters are fine. They didn't replace those old characters with females and pretended that they didn't exist. They created new characters in the same universe. Superman is an alien, not a white man. He was created white because he was created in the 1930s.

Little bit of a problem with your numbers. The numbers of the world matter significantly less than target audience.

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