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mrstickball said:
bobobologna said:
FaRmLaNd said:
The 360 is getting people into JRPGs that were never into them before. I'm a prime example, my main genres are WRPG's, FPS and RTS and I'd never played a JRPG until I got my 360. I'm no expert in the genre as I've played only mistwalker titles, but you can bet that when tales, star ocean, last remnant and Infinite undiscovery are launched I'll be waiting in line.


No offense, but do you think you might like JRPGs because they are on the XBox360, and not because they are good JRPGs? I only ask because I know one friend who absolutely loves the JRPGs on the XBox360. And despite owning a backwards compatible PS3, along with several high profile PS2 JRPGs, can't play any of them for more than a couple hours.

I just think it's funny that people start liking a genre when it comes to their particular console of choice.

Edit: He hates his PS3, he just keeps it around for his "collection." And he's a blatant XBox360 fanboy, and he admits it.

Didn't bother looking at his game list, have you? He has quite a few Western RPGs for PC/Xbox on his list...So I would think his opinion is somewhat valid....Even if he's a newer convert to JRPGs.

I could accuse Playstation 3 fanboys of the same blind, blatant service. PS3 JRPG fans are clamoring for FFXIII to be the savior of all mankind, while ignoring the fact that over half of their PS2 JRPG franchises have jumped ship...Instead of being dissatisfied with Sony, and the bullcrap they are pulling, they attempt to cling to whats left. Not because they enjoy the genre, but because they are biased.

Fact is, if your a fan of the JRPG genre, you'd own a 360, and there is ABSOLUTELY no way around it. I screwed up during the N64 era on my JRPG machine of choice, and I won't do it again...Thats why I got a 360.



Yea, but to go from having never really played any, to suddenly waiting in line for Tales of Vesperia, Last Remnant, and Star Ocean?  Seriously?  Especially when those games look to differ significantly from the gameplay that Lost Odyssey had.

I'm not a huge JRPG fan by any means, but I do like to dabble in them.  I can count the number of RPGs I've beaten on one hand (Final Fantasy Adventures, Golden Sun, Odin Sphere).  If I suddenly went into a thread about FF13 or White Knight Story or whatever else and started spouting about how I couldn't wait for the game and how awesome it was going to be, then I would be calling my own intentions into question.  Which is why you will never really see me excited about those games.