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FaRmLaNd said:
The 360 is getting people into JRPGs that were never into them before. I'm a prime example, my main genres are WRPG's, FPS and RTS and I'd never played a JRPG until I got my 360. I'm no expert in the genre as I've played only mistwalker titles, but you can bet that when tales, star ocean, last remnant and Infinite undiscovery are launched I'll be waiting in line.


No offense, but do you think you might like JRPGs because they are on the XBox360, and not because they are good JRPGs? I only ask because I know one friend who absolutely loves the JRPGs on the XBox360. And despite owning a backwards compatible PS3, along with several high profile PS2 JRPGs, can't play any of them for more than a couple hours.

I just think it's funny that people start liking a genre when it comes to their particular console of choice.

Edit: He hates his PS3, he just keeps it around for his "collection."  And he's a blatant XBox360 fanboy, and he admits it.