Kresnik said:
DemoniOtaku said: Hey, guys! Long time don't read you! I just read +430 messages since my last visit on July last year. Glad that the topic is alive, as the Vita news and Kresnik's reviews (bookmarked some for reading later night). I just got back to Vita recently, had one of a friend but he had to sell it and now I bought one.. still looking for one hackeable to get my hands on a sd2vita card, to downloading all my digital library there, and get some impossible-to-buy-at-least-for-me games from Asia... Have to be honest there. Today will download Stein's;gate to try to beat that VN a third time... |
outlawauron said:
I beat DanganRonpa: Ultra Despair Girls. Really enjoyed it. It had way better story and production values than I expected. I do recommend it to any fans of the series. Definitely worth it.
Hey, the old gang's back together! Hello guys!
Hey! I forget to check my subscribed threads and thought to and caught up on the thread. I see the stuff you post on Twitter so I haven't been missing any of your articles at least.