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Maybe to move this discussion to the future a bit, looking at this year's forecast the trend seems to continue. Forecasts (copy-pasted from Rol's original post):

Sony: 16m PS4s, Vita undisclosed.
Nintendo: 20m for Switch, 4m for 3DS. Total: 24m.

It's quite possible that Sony is being conservative and Nintendo bullish with their projections, but as has been said: Even accounting for that and Vita sales (or even looking at only PS4 vs Switch) this leaves us with Nintendo as the projected market leader for the next fiscal year and the Switch forecast is higher than the PS4's peak. So the much more interesting question I think is: Are we entering a new Nintendo dominated era with the Switch going even higher in 2019 or will the trend reverse? A lot of this could depend on how Nintendo's next president will act and what he'll make Nintendo focus on. Because we all know Nintendo is... unpredictable without someone with a clear head at the helm.