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zorg1000 said:

Its not just me, its multiple users you have gotten into arguments with over the last few months. It always follows that pattern.

No, for the 14th time its 2 systems vs 2 systems. Vita selling terrible doesnt mean it ceases to exist.

Stop saying you are all about staying on topic when your first post brought up 3 unrelated topics.

Louie literally called you thin-skinned a few posts ago but you're up in arms because i said you're salty?

Prove you wrong on what? You're not making any sense at this point.

And there you go again with your little personal vendetta. You just can't let go do you?

Louie called me ONCE on this issue, I explained how I'm not thin skinned, I'm simply voicing my opinion and he stopped going down that path, but NOT YOU. You have to continue cause you have no leg to stand on, if you can't make this a personal attack then you have nothing to stand on. Multiple users you say? It's a bunch of users yes. What? You thought you were the only one that needs to resort to personal attacks? But the majority of people don't do it so it's a small bunch of users and nothing more.

Look at the previous post in this thread, the one where Malt4zar replies to me. He stays on topic, he confronts me with the 3DS, he plays fair. But do you see him calling me salty and saying my intentions are this and that? Nope. And I reply to him and he may agree or disagree but the discussion stays courteous because that's how a normal convo goes. But not with you, you need to make this personal and now you are talking about arguments that go back months and have NOTHING to do with today's topic, to justify your personal attack on me?

If I made no sense as you say you would have stopped answering me again and again.

So here is the deal, you keep making personal attacks now or in future threads cause that's obviously your pattern and you obviously don't learn from it and I keep voicing my opinion cause yeah I have an opinion on things and when I disagree with something I say it and that's going to be all. This is my last answer to your little personal attacks against me. I can't reason with you despite trying so I'm done trying. Take care.