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o_O.Q said:

"everyone who is female knows good and well that our socialization process is radically different from that of our male counterparts, particularly as it relates to the question of violence."

yes but would that not be expected if you acknowledge that men and women are not the same?

or are you coming at the world from the perspective that men and women are the same?


" A man who engages toxic behavior (as we call it) will possibly be faulted"

you're confusing "toxic" with "aggression" again and i'd like to reiterate that repression and passivity is very often a larger problem

but regardless what if a man is considered to be too sensitive? he's called a pussy right? but you don't apparently consider that to be dehumanising

I don't think that much of what you're offering in your most recent post earns a reply, so I'm just going to focus on the things that I believe did (shown above).

To your first questions, as we discussed elsewhere recently, I'm coming from the perspective that men and women would tend to be behaviorally similar if not socialized differently.

To answer your last query, yes, I agree with you that the more sensitive male is stigmatized as well and that that's wrong. In point of fact, it is the crux of what the interview linked in the OP was all about. Apparently, the new God of War presents Kratos as a more multi-dimensional character in that sort of way, and Chris Plante of Polygon wanted to know how the decision to go that route with the character came about.